Monday, February 6, 2017

That Was Then

And this is now...

Being powerful and creating my future were the focus of my 2016.
I'm not sure where to start in describing the incredible life I have created for myself.
If I dare say it, 2016 may have been the best year yet.

The word "can't" used to run my life. I had reasons and excuses for everything... getting the things I wanted always seemed so hard. And with that outlook on life, that's what I got. A life that was hard and I was left constantly longing for more.

What did I want? I wanted to travel. I wanted to FINALLY move in to my own place after depending on others for so many years. I wanted to buy my Subaru to take me on all of my outdoor adventures. I wanted a career change where opportunity for growth and advancement were actually possible. I wanted to take charge of my life instead of it taking charge of me.

What did I get? I traveled. I went to Denver twice and saw the concert of my dreams at Red Rocks. I went to Phoenix twice and fell in love with Arizona. I went to Zion and hiked the entire Narrows; one of the best days of my life. I camped in Joshua Tree, roamed among the jumbo rocks and learned that the desert has my heart. I took the kids to Dinosaur National Monument where they saw fossils that they loved and hiked through a wash in a rainstorm... and we lived. Finally, I had the New Year's Eve of my life on the USS Hornet in the San Francisco Bay.

I bought my car, chose a new career and I moved to my own place... I created my life. I threw away my excuses, I stopped saying, "I can't" and replaced it with, "I can and I will".

Now, I don't want to make it seem like it was easy as pie or a piece of cake to get over my myself. There were times I struggled and I didn't know how I was going to do it... but I did. Every time I took an action regardless of my thoughts and fears, new opportunities opened up for me to accomplish everything I had set out to accomplish. Guess what? It worked out.

NOW is the time. Tomorrow may not come. Live your life regardless of your fears and see what happens. I dare you.