Monday, November 7, 2016

Enough, Moving On

We really do teach others how to treat us. We are the creator of our own lives. We tell the universe that what we want is what is happening by allowing things to continue even though it may not be what we really want. We are saying, "this is fine, this can stay".

It's funny how I continue to not trust myself and then one day I realize that I should have been trusting myself all along. I am a silly human! I know that I know, and these little thoughts and feelings come in to play that have no place and do not belong. They are never right and will always think that they are.

I declare that I will only accept the best and allow the things that I truly want into my life. My life is sacred, special and my own. I long to share it and will share only with those that are deserving and willing to put in as much as I put in. I will continue to be the creator of my own reality and to forge the most beautiful life.
