My sweet girl has been having the worst case of separation anxiety I've ever seen.
When Davey gets home in the wee hours of the morning, I prepare for a blood curdling scream. Then I wait for her to come running into the bedroom in a panic. She can hear the garage door open and close and she thinks I'm leaving to go to work. She clings onto me for dear life and has to snuggle me the rest of the night. Then when I actually leave for work in the morning, she asks me repeatedly to stay, don't go, don't go.
This makes for a long night for all of us. It's been going on now for about two weeks and I am freaking exhausted. So is she. We are all grumpy and tired. I keep thinking she will just stop one of these nights but it's not happening. I don't want to leave the car out because that means we get to spend the freezing cold morning scraping windows. But, I don't care anymore. The garage cannot be opened. She is so in-tune and waits for it in her sleep but hasn't figured out yet that I'm not going to work in the middle of the night.
Wow, this is making it really hard to go to work these days. It's only for five hours a day but, when my daughter so desperately wants me to stay home it makes me feel a bit on the guilty side. I want to stay with her but, I don't have much of a choice at the moment. I try to console her and tell her I won't be long. It doesn't matter to her.
My sad little girl. We'll see if not opening the garage helps, if not, we are in trouble for who knows how long. We need a good nights sleep...