Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just Like Music

I have a bit of an infatuation with music. I love music. Love it, love it, love it. Did I say that I love it? I think I did. I also have a bit of an infatuation with going to concerts. Love it, love it ...(well you get the point). My most favorite music of all happens to be the fusion of rock and piano. If I could play any instrument it would be the piano, and it's something I kind of regret never learning. I think a piano has the most beautiful sound and there is something peaceful about it. Yet, on the other hand, it has the ability to be furious and energizing. An amazing instrument I think.

Now, when you mix it with rock music it creates a whole new sound, one that I can't get enough of. I have a great friend who introduced me to Jack's Mannequin a few years ago. And at the time I was loving the band The Fray and was in the process of discovering how much I love this kind of music. I kind of did things a little backward because I fell down-right head over heals with Jack's Mannequin without knowing much about a band called Something Corporate. Soon enough I discovered that Something Corporate was the forerunner for Andrew McMahon's solo project Jack's Mannequin and was immediately addicted.

Wow, long story shorter...some may laugh because I get a little emotional when I listen to some of these songs (some songs nearly bring me to tears). The sound of the music combined with my ability to relate to the lyrics has a profound effect on me. I was able to attend the Something Corporate concert in SLC last night with my very humorous sister Jessie (who macked on the drummer of the band, but that's another story), and it was amazing.

I really don't know how to put into words the importance of music in my life. I love how it has the ability to relate, to inspire, and to connect you to your innermost self, and to others. I also love how it has the ability to make you sit back and reflect on life, or on the other hand, to get up off your butt and shake what your mama gave you.

It's good stuff really. Really, really good stuff.