Tuesday, June 24, 2014



This sentence has been on my mind a lot over the last month or so. I'm realizing how much expectation hurts us. It destroys and complicates relationships, it adds difficulty and drama to life that shouldn't even exist. I've caught myself on a few occasions thinking things that end up driving me crazy and push me to the brink of sabotaging things that are good! I think that the key is to allow others to do and be what they want, let them walk the path they want to walk and enjoy the things they want to enjoy. In the meantime, you do the same for yourself... Go for a walk, take a nap, dance, do something that benefits you. If you take care of your own needs and allow others to do the same for themselves, there can be nothing but understanding, peace and happiness. Things will come together and work out. You end up wanting to do things for one another because that makes you happy and it's not because you were expected to do it and neither were they. Anyway, I write this so I can remember for myself, it is a struggle for me but it is something that is proving to be good and positive in my life. I have seen slow but steady changes in me and the relationships I have with others. Lao Tzu gives some pretty good advice. :)