Tuesday, December 30, 2014

To Give

I'm not sure why, but sometimes I go through very long periods of time without reading. Then one day I pick up a book and I remember how much I learn from it and enjoy it.

My friend Sandy gave me a book for Christmas called The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. Deepak is a good dude. It's a short read with many good reminders.

The number one thing I have taken away from it? Is to give. It talks about the reciprocity of the universe and how you will receive more and more by how much you give. This is a fact that I have known for all of my life, however, sometimes it is easy to think that you have nothing to give. Well, I almost always think that I have nothing to give.

Sadly, I feel like my insanely broke status prevents me from giving in the way that I would like to, however, I tend to forget that giving does not require money. Deepak reminds you that the act of giving love, a prayer, a helpful hand, a flower or your service, is just as helpful or desired as anything you can give involving money. What is even more sad? The fact that I feel as if my love, my prayer or my service is not of worth to anyone. Wow, time to change that kind of thinking... that won't get me anywhere.

So now what?
The year 2015 is quickly approaching and last year my goals were to be more vulnerable and authentic. I think I did a very good job at being true to myself and it is something that I will continue to strive for. This coming year will be to focus on realizing my worth and to give whatever I can, however small it may be... You never know how big it may seem to someone else.

Here is to a happy new year, potentiality and love... wishing and having nothing but love for other people.