Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Motivaional Speaker

So, I like my job. Not what I want to do forever, but I like it. This week is Summer University where all of the staff and faculty get together and attend mini seminars and conferences for the week. So far it has been a wonderful little break from the usual daily routine. I wasn't too stoked for the first event of the morning. It was a motivational speaker. I have not had good experiences with motivational speakers in the past. One word, BORING explains it the best. I had yet to experience a truly motivating motivational speaker. I'd rather read my motivation in a book thank you.

Well, today my opinion has changed about all of those speakers. I had quite an amazing experience with Keith Harrell this morning. He has the best attitude out of anyone I've ever met. It was absolutely contagious. As usual, everything he had to say was obvious and common sense, but the way he talked about making improvements in your life really made me want to do it too!

He gave us a nice little shpeel about worry. There were 3 things he said that I really liked.

1. Worry is nothing but a negative form of meditation.

2. 40% of your worries have already happened. 30% never will.

3. As long as you can look up, you can get up.