Monday, December 15, 2008

This Girl... an A in her Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences class! I am extremely proud of myself considering how I have felt over the past few months. I had an amazing teacher who really wanted the class to succeed. I appreciate teachers like that, you know, the ones who actually care about their jobs and the ones who want you to understand what it is they're teaching.

I am so driven now to finish school it's not even funny. It's nice that I am finally taking my major classes but, one class a semester is going to mean ten more years till graduation. Ahh. Oh well, It's nice to be able to go, if one class is what I can take then that is what I will take. I will get there eventually. I'm just glad that I have the opportunity to go to school. I have an incredible drive to move forward, progress, and work toward something. It's a very good/frustrating part of my personality. Frustrating because I am always wanting something new, wanting to accomplish a new goal, and I want to do it now. Good because I always get things done, and I am always working toward bettering myself and family. I am not very good at being content. Not good at all.

So anyway, blah blah, I got an A!
Go me, it's my birthday, go me, it's my birthday!
(not really but it feels like it)