Sunday, April 5, 2009

Surgery Update

Long story short:

I am bloated, I can't wear a bra, my pants won't button and I can feel the air inside my chest and abdominal cavities moving in between my organs.

It has now been a week and I am finally starting to feel relief. There is not as much air as there was initially. I can actually breath without it hurting my heart and lungs. I can finally go from laying down to sitting up and vice versa in less than five minutes. My stomach is sore but I don't have to take ibuprofen anymore. (P.S. I didn't have to use any pain killers other than ibuprofen, that rocks).

I can take the surgical tape off my incisions in a couple of days and I go in for a follow-up with my doctor on Thursday.

Good news:

So far everything I have eaten has been good to me. I had a little grumbliness after I ate an enchilada (fabulous recipe Erica) but other than that I'm handling food well. I have been so scared to try new foods though, I am terrified of it hurting again! I keep wondering in the back of my mind if it was really my gallbladder or not. So far I think we were right.

Thanks to everyone who brought food, I really appreciate it. It was so nice not to have to worry about cooking or wondering what we would have for dinner!

Cheers to no gallbladder!