Thursday, December 31, 2009

The New Year

I can't believe it is the last day of 2009. This year has gone by so fast, I don't think I was able to keep up with it. It was a really good year. I was able to quit my job, go back to school full-time, we purchased a more economically-sized car, I rode my bike (a lot), I turned 29 holy crap I'm almost thirty years old, luckily enough Davey turned I'll always be older than you 31, I canned my first batch of jam ever, went to California (twice), and last but not least we discovered we will be welcoming a baby boy come spring. I'm sure there was much more that happened but those things stand out to me at the moment.

I'm excited for what is to come in 2010, as usual, no resolutions for me. We have our 7th anniversary in February, baby due in April (please let me make it through the next semester?!), a summer off to recover, a 30th birthday for me which will be awesome, my baby girl turning 5, and who knows what else!

I know I would like to simplify life a bit, lower our expenses, and not be so caught up in what is new and desirable in the world. I want to read more books, be content with what my body ends up like after baby #2, be healthy, and enjoy life.

Here's to a new and wonderful 2010!