Friday, January 14, 2011

Getting Me Through


Can I tell you how hard it is to enjoy the present when you hate the winter so?  This cold is killing me!  It's hard to forget about how cold it is when your hand and feet are constant icicles,  regardless of socks, slippers, or mittens.  What to do, what to do?

There are two things I have decided to keep up that will most certainly get me through.  The first is keeping fresh, bright flowers on the kitchen table.  I'm in the kitchen so much that they always catch my eye and make me smile.  They give me hope and excitement for spring which is just around the corner (only 46 days until March).  Did I mention that they smell fantastic?  They do.

I've become quite the tea enthusiast.  Well... maybe a little bit more than an enthusiast.  I love it.  I look forward to holding a hot cup in my frozen mitts every afternoon.  This is the second thing I have vowed to do daily.  I usually enjoy a green tea with a touch of honey for sweetness.  But an amazing thing happened to me the other day.  What is it you ask?  Well, I actually won a giveaway on a blog.  I know!  Amazing!  The best part is that the giveaway was for a ton of delicious tea from Mighty Leaf Tea.  It came in the mail today and I immediately made myself a pot of Rainforest Mate.  The tea is amazing and I'll probably be buying it from now on.  Something about tea makes me feel warm, comfy, and relaxed.  It's a true comfort food for me.

It feels good to find a little warmth and beauty on these bitter cold days.