Wednesday, January 5, 2011

In The Now

My friend Erica posted something yesterday that hit me pretty hard.  She wrote about living in the present and enjoying things as they come instead of always waiting for what's next or what's happening down the road.  I know I have huge issues in this department (I may have even posted about it before).  I am always asking myself,  what's next, what's tomorrow, what's next month?  "Then what" is constantly ringing in my head.  I am always waiting for the next stage in everything... in life, with my kids, with money, it goes on and on.  When Adelaide was little I was always waiting for her to do something new: crawling, walking, eating solid foods, talking, and I never enjoyed how amazing she was at that very moment!  I feel like I missed out on so much even though I was right there every day, all the time.  I do give myself a small pat on the back because I am trying so much harder to enjoy Reggie where he is.  He is eight months old and he still can't roll from his back to his belly, he can't crawl, and he certainly isn't close to walking.  This would have made me crazy back in the day.  I'm actually loving the fact that he can't get around yet, he is so much easier to handle this way!  Instead I love how he is the most laid back baby in the world and will sit on your lap and just chill.  He is the noisiest, most babbling baby I've ever heard.  He loves to stand in his entertainer and play, or sit and play with his toys.  I am so lucky!

I'm realizing that life is too short.  I am thirty years old already and that totally blows my mind.  Where have the years gone and have I enjoyed them as I should?  No.  I am not making a resolution because we all know I don't do that, but I am going to make living in the present my biggest priority.  I want to enjoy each day and enjoy what each one brings.  I want to accept circumstances as they are and do what I can to change them, but enjoy the journey and each step along the way.  I want to make sure that when I am old and gray and sitting in my rocker on the front porch that I know I enjoyed and lived life to the fullest each and every day.  I'm sure the next thirty years will fly by just as quickly as the last thirty and I want to make each one count.

Live in the now baby!