Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Seriously Summer?

This is the view we have of the mountains from our house. 
Beautiful, yes? A perfect summer night.

I am struggling with the realization that summer is almost gone. I didn't have much of one because I chose to finish my classes, so I feel like it happened without me. It's sad that I have to prepare myself for the impending gloom of winter, but I do. Everyone in our neighborhood skis, snowboards, or participates in some winter activity and they swear that if I get into it that I won't mind winter so much. Maybe they're right, but that involves buying a lot of equipment and having to pile on a bunch of clothes to keep warm, and spending a ton of money to get on the slope of a resort. That doesn't tempt me so much. 

Maybe that's one reason I love summer as much as I do... the simplicity of it.
Simple, yes. All you have to do is walk out into your front yard, pull up an awesomely cheap Adirondack chair from ShopKo and sit. It's warm so you don't need layers of clothes (love it), while the kids roam around the neighborhood with bikes, water guns, and games of tag (love it). If that doesn't tickle your fancy, you can go for a walk up to Bridal Veil Falls, ride your bike, have a picnic outside, take the kids to the park, go to an Owlz game, or go for a drive up the canyon or around the lake (love it all).

But you know, it's September 6th.  Glorious September 6th. It's going to be a good month. The weather has been beautiful and I'm soaking it in. I have to store it away until May, yes I do. There has to be a way to make the winter as awesome as the summer, right? I'm going to figure that one out... if I could just find a way to keep my feet from being so cold all winter long. That would be a start:)