Friday, December 27, 2013

Treading Water


I found this on Pinterest today. It says the exact words that I have been feeling lately.
I'm very much in my own head and most of my life has been controlled by my brain, 
my logic and all of the things I think I "know." 
Ever since I got divorced I have been trying to follow my heart and what I feel.
It's been nice giving my brain a rest but I am starting to realize that I have 
gone from one extreme to another. I keep trying to "feel" every decision and choice I should make, hoping it will lead me in the right direction.
What I am starting to realize is that there needs to be a middle ground. If I don't take action how am I ever supposed to feel differently than I do right now? I'm in the same spot, doing the same things, feeling the same unsettled feelings. How are my feelings going to change if I never change my circumstances? I have been treading water just waiting for some new feeling about what I should or shouldn't do.
It's not working. I'm one of the most goal oriented,
go getters I know and I am currently without a goal and I have been for quite a while.
There are some things that are important to me and I need to find a way to make them happen instead of waiting for them to happen to me. I know better than that. 

I've always said that I don't make resolutions but I'm going to make one for the new year. I am going to make a goal to start taking action in my life...
create the life I want and deserve! 
No more waiting for it to happen to me, I will make it happen for me.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Addie's Baptism

 I'm really late posting about this... better late than never!

On November 2nd, my sweet pea chose to be baptized into the LDS church. Davey was able to perform the baptism and I've never seen her so happy. I'm proud of her for making her own decisions and I hope that she continues to choose things that makes her happy. 
I was helping her get dried and dressed after the baptism and she was shaking with excitement. She told me how good and happy she felt.

We had so many amazing friends and family show up to support her; it was quite the party. 
Anna, Steve and I made her these cakes. She still loves everything China so we made her a Chinese dragon and another cake that stands for baptims/immersion in Chinese (I think).

I love events that bring family and friends together and I especially love ones that bring me back in touch with Davey's family.
I am blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life!