Monday, January 11, 2016

From Here, Right Now...

I found out much too late in the day that David Bowie passed away. Wow. There is nothing like watching public figures and your childhood idols move on from this life. For me, it instantly generates an inquiry into my own mortality and a realization that time, does in fact, move quickly.

And here it is, January 2016. Wow. I have two new words I am working on this year, but before I get to those I need to reminisce about how I did in regards to GIVE and KNOW MY WORTH.

GIVE. I did very well in some areas of giving and not as well as I'd like to in other areas. I gave of my time and gave my service. I volunteered for different fundraising events that are community partners with my place of business. This was an amazing experience that allowed me to see how generous people are and their willingness to give freely to others, whether that be of their money or time. I gave love, I gave understanding and I gave my listening. I would like to continue to be more thoughtful of my friends and family. I would like to give by staying in better touch and sending notes/cards to let them know they are important to me and that I am thinking of them.I want to give with absolutely no hope of anything in return. I want to give of myself and not be fearful or persuaded by the actions or thoughts of others. A work in progress...

KNOW MY WORTH. This will always be something I will continue to strive for. I do, however, have a greater sense of self than I ever have before. I know I do not have to settle for less than I deserve and that I am an amazing human being that can have anything I choose and put into action. I am lovable and I am good enough. I am smart, hardworking, loving and desiring for nothing but the best for everyone and their happiness.

Now, in 2016, I bring forth two new words that I will put into action that will help bring me to my fullest potential. These words are CREATE and POWERFUL.

CREATE. I chose create because I forget all too often that I am the creator of my own destiny. I have lived in such a way that I go with whatever may happen to fall in my lap and try to make it work and mold it into my life. I have realized that this does not bring happiness... this is letting the world happen to me instead of me happening to the world. I no longer want to be molded by my surroundings, but become the one that molds. Things are only hard because I make them so. I see pursuing the things I want in life as being "too hard" because it is outside my comfort zone and I tell myself I don't have enough time or money or whatever it may be... once again, it is only this hard because I have made it so.

POWERFUL. Being powerful goes hand in hand with create. I need to remember that I am a powerful human being with the say and power to create my life. I am only powerless when I give power to others. I give others power by blaming and not taking responsibility for my life and actions. When I do not own my words, actions and choices, I become powerless and prevent myself from learning, growing and transforming my own life. I choose to take on being responsible so I can become a powerful, unstoppable human being.

I love that quote by David Bowie... I have no idea what my future looks like, but as far as I know this is the only life I have and I by no means want to go out without a bang. I want to look back on my life knowing it was up to me and that I made it the most amazing life possible.