Thursday, April 24, 2008

Where Have I been?

I feel like I haven't had a free minute to do much of anything lately. I don't even think I can remember what it is I've done, but it's definitely something. I know it's a mix of work, appointments to get into my major at school, helping some people out, being a mom, etc. But it's good. I love to be busy. I feel like I accomplish a lot when I'm busy, even if I can't remember what it is I've done. On the other hand, it's nice to chillax and take time to read some of my favorite blogs, try and finish my book, bake something delicious, you know, things like that.

While I was chillaxing just a minute ago, I was in the middle of reading the blog of my long lost, across the country sister-in-law. Her grandpa just passed away and her post broke my heart. She wrote about some of her memories and how much she will miss him. I hope you and your family are doing well B.

I was speaking with my grandma (on my moms side) earlier today and she was filling me in on how my grandpa was doing these days. He has not been doing very well the past couple of years. He has struggled with prostate cancer which has continued to spread slowly for the last who knows how many years. It's been so long now I can't even remember. In the past two years or so he has been on a slow but incredibly painful decline. He is now on hospice and has had so many additional illnesses on top of the cancer that have wasted his body away.
We have always been so close and he has always been my number one supporter. I know his time is drawing near and after reading my sister-in-laws post, I know it will come faster than I approve of. I pray for his body to be relieved from the pain it is going through, but can't help but selfishly want him to stick around a little longer for me.

I try not to dwell on it, but the line 'time goes by so fast, cherish every moment' goes through my mind daily. I am so thankful for the time I have with the members of my family. I love them dearly and wish that time could go by half as fast. At least. There is nothing more important in this world than the ones you love.
Cherish every moment....

Monday, April 14, 2008

Auf Wiedersehen News

As of today, I am finally boycotting the news. I did this once before and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I started watching it again because I have an addiction to the weather. I love to watch the weather. The sneaky media loves to tease and taunt you by only doing pieces of it until the end of the broadcast, then they show you the 7 day forecast. They know people like me will stop watching as soon as the forecast is over. Do they have us figured out or what?

I always get the most awful feeling when I watch the news. I would have to say that 95% of it is comprised of bad, horrible things. Stuff that usually makes me pretty emotional. I turn it off at the end of the night and feel like crap. So why do I keep watching? Oh yeah, the weather. Freaking weather.

Then it hit me, I can eliminate those terrible feelings by not watching the news. What an epiphany! I remembered that there is this amazing thing we have these days called the internet. There is even a little widget on the desktop of the computer with the forecast. Or, I can even check Fox's website and go straight to the weather. Amazing.

So, from this day on, I officially declare myself news free. Free of awful, nasty feelings that do not need to be felt. I am banishing it from my life and hopefully banishing all of the extra crap that does not need to be known or felt by me. Let it be known, I am free.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What To Be When I Grow Up

I'm pretty sure I've finally decided on what I want to do when I grow up. It's taken me ten years after graduating from high school to figure it out, but hey, what the heck. The counselor I spoke with after taking the Myers Briggs test inspired me to really go after what I love and just do it. Up until this point I've never felt completely right about choices I made for possible career paths. I started thinking about the things I really enjoy and the things that intrigue me. I started searching online and came upon the ADTA website. As I've been delving deeper into my brain and it's psychological processes, I've been more interested in the field of psychology. The only thing is that I don't want to be a psychologist. I've always been in love with dance and other types of movement such as yoga, but I don't want to go to school for strictly modern or ballet which are pretty much the only degrees offered in dance. I guess I don't want to be limited to one area, I'd like to be free to express what I want, and help others at the same time.

I discovered dance/movement therapy. I am so excited about this discovery. I don't know why I haven't thought about it before, it completely makes sense to me. I'm going to matriculate into the Integrated Studies program and study the connections between dance/movement and psychology. I think it will be amazing and I'm totally psyched about it. Do people still say psyched? Well, I do now. Bring it back people.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sweet Motivation

I came upon this site via Design Mom which means almost everyone has probably already seen them, but just in case........................

© 2007 Frederic Terral

They are some of the coolest motivational posters I've ever seen. Very inspired art I say.
Click here to see the rest. I want to fill my house with almost every one.