Friday, May 29, 2009

Icky Sicky

There is nothing I hate more than food poisoning. Why don't I listen to the little voice in my head that warns me against fast food hamburger places? My first real experience with it was when I was pregnant with Adelaide and I was seriously craving a crispy chicken sandwich from McDonald's. When you are pregnant and craving something you absolutely have to have it right? Well I got it and boy did I regret it later that evening. I puked my guts out for a full day. This was on top of the morning sickness to make it even more un-enjoyable.

Then there was Wednesday night. My dad stopped by and offered to take us to Wendy's. I can't turn down dinner with my dad! I don't eat red meat very often but sometimes I really want it. So I got a hamburger. I thought I did really well because I left off the cheese and I got a salad instead of fries. Well, I was up all night with the most wretched stomach ache and nausea. The worst part is that I had to make myself throw up to get some relief. It just wanted to hang out in there and have fun, and I wasn't having any of it. Sorry for the info but it was terrible! At first I thought it was my weird, post-gallbladder stomach causing me issues. But then I realized I had a homemade burger a week ago and I was just fine. Homemade being the key word.

Then I got thinking, do you ever check out what it is you're throwing up when it comes out? Is that gross or what? Well, I do, I want to know what it is that caused the problem. I found that there was a common denominator in both of these cases. Lettuce. Freaking lettuce. It makes me wonder, are they not washing their hands or are they not washing the lettuce? Either way it grosses me out. I have not eaten at a McDonald's for almost four years now and I'm afraid that Wendy's is now on the 'do not eat' list.

Sorry nasty burger joints, you have thoroughly ruined what small interest I had in eating at your establishments. Goodbye, and good luck.