Monday, April 18, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. I'm sorry. Mostly to myself, and then to anyone who happens to actually read this thing.

So much has been going on... projects, school, moving, family, everything. I suppose I should have documented it all, but frankly, I'm too tired to think anymore. It's either because I've been thinking too much or it's the paint I've been huffing while working in the garage. You choose.

Good news though, I graduate next week. Although, I'm not officially done until August. But that's OK, I'll still take the credit. I've worked hard and it's been a long time coming. A bit of advice to anyone that is single and questioning whether or not to quit school... DON'T QUIT. Finish while you have your singledom and kidlessdom. It's so much easier... I promise.

Then there is moving. Moving sucks. I haven't moved in 7 years and it's amazing how much stuff you acquire with two children and a mortgage. Stuff is overrated. I have an intense desire to simplify but for some reason I just end up with more stuff. Weird. I do love our new place, though. It's older, cozy, has a smaller yard, and a little more like me I think. Oh, and Orem is way better than Provo. Sorry, but true.

I am impatiently awaiting summer. This spring has been too gloomy and cold. I am looking forward to riding my bike to class, swimming, soaking in the sun, planting my garden, and working in the yard. We have a goal to teach Adelaide to ride her bike without training wheels and to get Reggie used to the grass. So far he screams every time his little feet touch it.

Speaking of the kids... Adelaide is loving the new neighborhood because it is awesome! There are so many kids around, she is never bored or without a friend to play with. And my little Reg has finally started to crawl! It's a Christmas miracle I tell you. He will be 1 next Tuesday and he has finally caught up to babies five months younger than him. It's OK though, his cuteness makes up for it.

Well, there you go. That's it in a nutshell. Done. Until next time. Hopefully sooner than last time.