Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Glad Grad

Yesterday was an amazing day. I usually don't allow myself to be proud of myself very often, but I let it go for one day and decided to enjoy my accomplishment. There's something about graduating from college that is very gratifying. Maybe it's the years of devotion, time, and effort that go into it? Maybe it comes from the struggle to balance family, school, and down time? Maybe it's all of the above. This has truly been one of the best/most difficult things I've ever done and I have to say... I'm a little proud of myself. I admit it. My family has been such a big support and have encouraged me all the way. I have to give props to Utah Valley University as well. I love that school. I love the learning environment and the teachers and especially those in the behavioral science department. I'm excited to see where this takes me and to see what can happen in my life because of it. I feel like education is the key to everything in life; if you are educated you can go anywhere and do anything. There are so many opportunities to grow and become what you want to be and knowing that makes me pretty psyched.

Here's to the class of 2011. Go out and change the world.