Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I was thinking about hope today. I was taking a lovely bath in the pink jetted tub with some delicious lavender oil while I contemplated it. I was listening to Safetysuit (who I saw play in SLC last night, amazing) and realized a pattern in many if their songs...hope.

Maybe that's why I love them so much? And maybe it's because they are the best band live, ever.

Anyway, back to hope. I have dark days, this month has held some of them, but the one thing that keeps me going is hope for a better day. I realized, as I was drinking a delicious green tea latte in my bath, that I was happy today and full of hope. I have so many great things in my life and I am thankful for the immense amount of support I have from friends and family. Are things the way I want them to be forever? No. But I can wait and enjoy the ride while I'm at it.