Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Letter

I started a new job this week that I am really excited about...

I started working for my friend Shane who is a loan officer and has his own branch of Citywide Home Loans. I'm excited because it is a small office with some great people and there is potential to make more money. That never hurts, right? I also decided finally, for sure, that I am going to apply for grad school this fall. It has to be done, it just does. Educational psychology here I come...

I left my job of 14 months as a youth counselor at Heritage Schools and it was extremely bittersweet. It was a very stressful job because your safety and the safety of the kids is always in question. It paid extremely low and there wasn't much room for growth. I worked with the same home of 12 girls every morning and then approximately 50 girls while they were in school. Previous to that I worked in the intensive support area where the kids went at their worst moments. I met some amazing kids who have crazy and unimaginable real-life struggles. I formed relationships with them and was basically their parent away from home. It's hard to feel appreciated in an environment like that sometimes but my supervisors did an amazing job at trying to let you know you were doing a good job (especially when a raise wasn't an option). :)

I received this letter right after I put in my notice:

It was a great place and I had an amazing experience. I was taught how to validate and talk to children and these are things I want to do in raising my own kids. Last but not least, I worked with the most amazing people ever and I will miss you dearly! I am thankful for the experience I had but am eager for what is to come!