Monday, March 10, 2008

Just Words

I really don't have a point to anything I have to say today. I just feel like writing I suppose.
Maybe I will start with my job. I am still loving it, but it's hard to adjust to my new schedule. Before I started working I would go to the 9:15 a.m. yoga classes, but now that I work at that time I have to get my butt up at five to get ready and make it to the 6 a.m. class, then go straight to work. Now I'm not complaining because I'm glad I still get to go (sometimes it's my sanity), but it has been hard! I'm not a morning person, well, at least not that early of a morning person.

So then I think about how nice it will be to sleep in (a little bit) the rest of the week. Not likely. Now I have to schedule my Dr. appointments at 7am. Once again, wake up at five. Then, Adelaide decides to wake up at 4:45 this morning because she's gagging on the phlegm in her throat from her cold and it makes her throw up. I have to admit that she is the most adorable, cuddly thing in the world when she is sick. She happens to love me the most when she doesn't feel well, so needless to say, I am the one she wanted when she woke up this morning and wouldn't let me out of her sight. It's been a long day and now I have a sore throat.

On the brighter side, I enjoy making some extra cash and it's nice to meet new people and have some adult conversation during the day.

I'm stoked that it's getting warmer and I can go out in the afternoon without a jacket. I LOVE spring! I am excited to get out in the yard and plant some things. I seriously love the smell of dirt and being out in the fresh air. It will be nice to be able to send Adelaide out to play instead of having her cramped indoors wanting to watch movies all day.

I think I will make homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight. I have been craving it lately. Then I think I will retire early this evening into my comfy sheets and see if I can cash in on eight hours of sleep tonight. That would be nice.