Tuesday, March 3, 2009

One Reason I Wanna Do What I Wanna Do

A fabulous advisor in the UVU Legal Studies department put me on to this video. This is one of the greatest things I have ever seen.

When you are spending your time keeping your mind and body creative, involving yourself in good rather than being preoccupied with the bad, you become a better person. You can't help it. If you eliminate the bad and replace it with the good, only good can happen.

This is not to say it is the only thing necessary to rehabilitate these prisoners, they need counseling, therapy and perhaps a good many years locked away from people to recover (if they ever do). However, it can be a beginning of something new and helpful that can channel their minds in a new direction. I truly believe this (or other creative arts) can help them become better people.

Here is a link to their story from ABC news. Most of it is good but there is a comment at the end by Edward Latessa that makes me fume.

Check out their other videos, especially Thriller.