Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Little Funny

I think I'm a pretty intelligent, smart person. I usually have it together but not today, today I felt like an idiot. This would be because my 19 month old got the best of me.

I carpool with other moms in the neighborhood and today the driver happened to also be our landlord. We still get some mail here and there for them so when Addie headed out to the car I decided to run out really quickly to give her the mail. When I turned around to go back in the house, the door was closed. Instant panic. We have one of those doorknobs that let you open it from the inside if it's locked, I've decided I'm not a fan. I peeked through the glass in the door and there was my little man, laughing at me from the inside. I'm a little anal retentive when it comes to locking doors and windows at night so I knew there was no other way into the house. I ran up the road to where my landlord was picking up another child and I asked her if she had a key to our house. Nope. My neighbor let me use her phone and her coat while I called landlord number two to see if he could open the door for me. He arrived about ten minutes later with a bunch of keys. He tried them all and none of them worked. While I waited for him to leave and come back again, I tried to keep Reggie's attention so he would stay out of trouble. We played a game of peek-a-boo through the window for a while but he soon became restless. I watched him trot off into the kitchen and he began rummaging through the cleaning products under the kitchen sink. Great. Ten minutes later landlord number two arrived with the key. Yes! It was a little cold standing outside for over 20 minutes with no shoes on. When I opened the door Reg was sitting on one of the couches with the most devilish look on his face. He is such a stinker and I love him.