Sunday, May 12, 2013

Best Mother's Day Ever

This weekend was fantastic, it was so busy but we had a bunch of fun. Friday night we went to see The Croods. It was a really cute movie with a great message about not being afraid, I really liked it.

 Saturday we went to look at an apartment (which the kids love for some reason), went to Hill Aerospace Museum, had a BBQ at my mom's and then another BBQ to see my long lost brother Eric.

Two of the best moms I know... mine, and my sister Anna.
Love you guys!

Today we went to church where Addie sang me a beautiful song. These are my two reasons for celebrating Mother's Day and I couldn't ask for better. I love them 10,000 freight trains full and wouldn't trade them for the world. We also got to spend today with my dad and step-mom Paula with a picnic and played at the park. She is also a wonderful lady and mother. So glad for my children and wonderful women in my life!

It was definitely a fantastic Mother's Day!