Thursday, January 10, 2008


Sometimes I find myself getting completely overwhelmed by being LDS. Usually to the point of thinking it would be so much easier to just believe what I believe, know what I know, and live my life accordingly. I feel like there can be so much pressure put upon oneself by callings, ideals, looking "good" in the eyes of other members, doing things because we are supposed to, etc.....

In reading today, the Dalai Lama, wise man that he is, (Davey thinks I'm going to convert to Buddhism because of this book. I'm not converting to Buddhism) talks about value systems and how they can provide us with continuity and coherence in our life.

He authors this book along side Howard C. Cutler M.D., who takes the words of the Dalai Lama and puts them point blank for us to understand:
"It is the ability to reduce our value system to its most basic elements, and live from that vantage point, that allows us the greatest freedom and flexibility to deal with the vast array of problems that confront us on a daily basis."

I feel like I am queen of jumbling everything together to the point of problems being unrecognizable. I let every little insignificant thing affect my life. Cheers to getting back to basics and concentrating on the things that really matter.