Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Little Political

I'm gonna get a tad bit political on your behinds. I was reading Enjoy It this morning and felt positively reassured by most people who commented on the post.
I am not a McCain supporter for sure, not necessarily a Mitt supporter either. But, if I had to vote republican, which I don't have to, I would choose Mitt. And I would not choose him based on his religious beliefs. I think he's the best out of the two. McCain doesn't have the voice to get the attention of the American people (seriously, have you heard his voice?).

Then it comes down to the Democrats. Who really wants another Clinton in office? Not I! I think Obama is driven, firm, and has the voice (you know what I'm saying).
I don't know who I will vote for, but I was pleased to read that there were no cheers about the Florida results coming from the commenters of Enjoy It.

I like the fact that there are people that don't have to go completely Republican, just because the person is a Republican. The best man should win! Regardless of his party.