Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Training The Brain

Yesterday I watched a movie called What The $%*! Do We Know. I would say that the last twenty minutes of the hour and a half long show were definitely worth while.

Up until this point in my life I have not been much of a thinker. I've taken everything with face value and lived life according to how I thought I should live it. Not necessarily how I wanted to.

I would categorize this movie with similar films such as The Secret. You know, completely obvious things and ideas that people take for granted or choose not to think about. Yet, they are things that we should be doing everyday like thinking, acting, and living positively.

This movie focuses on, well I'll just say it, Quantum Physics. Most laugh at the subject, but there is so much truth to it it's not even funny. I don't think I'll ever really understand the whole aspect of it, but I was surprised to see how much I did understand.

It talks a lot about training our minds to think in new ways. How our perception of reality might not be reality at all. How much of our sadness and confusion is due to addictions that we need to overcome.

Our mind is so much more powerful than we think. I've never really thought about it myself until I watched this show, but it's true. There have been so many instances where I have thought away a headache. There was even a time I thought away a wart I had on my finger. Believe it or not people, I did!

Anyway, if you choose to watch it or not, know some of it I don't agree with, but a lot of it I did. If anything, it's been a mind opening experience for me and full of things I hadn't thought of before. It's quite liberating actually to see things from another point of view.