Monday, January 21, 2008

A Peculiar People

I had a fabulous conversation tonight with my good friend Courtizzle. I love talking to this woman. We see eye to eye on so many things, it's amazing. I came home from her place tonight with a refreshed and nurtured brain.
We talked about the regular womanly things, but there was one thing that really hit home and made me think:

Women need other women.

After we came to this conclusion, I thought about other conversations I've had with my good female friends and how I've never had conversations like that with my husband. Now why is that? I thought about the times I've tried to have those kind of conversations with my husband and how it never ever works out. If any ladies out there have that in their husband, you lucked out. But, for the majority of us out there, we turn to our sisters from a different mother.
We really do need each other. For conversation, for comfort, for empathy, sympathy, joy, pain, everything. It is a full emotional release, and I'm thankful for it.

I believe it's a blessing and gift that we have to help each other. I know that without it, I would probably be a complete mess. I am not good at keeping things bottled up, and I think it's that way with a lot of women. We need a chance to get things out. At least for me, it helps me clear my mind, organize my thoughts, and put things in perspective.

Sometimes it's hard being a woman, but I'm thankful for the ability we have to love and support each other when we need it most.