Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Welcome To My New Blog

Thanks to anyone who happens to glance over this page. I did this mostly to record and remember things I see, read, or hear throughout my day. So it's mostly for my own enjoyment and enlightenment. This stems from my feeling of wanting to be a deeper, more intellectual person. Feel free to partake!

As for today, I am currently reading The Art Of Happiness as you can see in my sidebar. There was one line that stuck out to me:

"It's the very struggle of life that makes us who we are".

It was kind of a 'duh' moment for me. It's something that I take for granted. We can try to mold ourselves and try to create what we want to be, but it's the very act of living day by day that makes us who we are. So if we live how we want to live daily, we will become who we want to be.